V5.2.0.1 August

  • New Feature : LayerSlider updated to V5.6.5
  • New Feature : Master Slider updated to V3.0.4
  • New Feature : Revolution Slider Updated to V5.2.6
  • New Feature : Theme options > added option to turn off featured image in single news post
  • New Feature : Device Visibility option For Divider shortcode
  • Improvement : More robust compatibility check class for theme core and template installation process.
  • Improvement : Edge Browser full support
  • Improvement : Skill diagram shortcode responive improvements
  • Improvement : If menu plugin incompatibility
  • Improvement : RTL major improvements in both backend and frontend
  • Improvement : Fullwidth slideshow > new option to set images fullwidth
  • Improvement : Permission checks for template install and dynamic assets class
  • Removed : “Responsive Menu Icon Alignment” option has been removed due to multiple conflicts with header styles and their alignments
  • BugFix : Header style 3 burger icon in macbook 13inch when menu is triggered is hidden
  • BugFix : Instagram widget API broken
  • BugFix : WooCommerce cart table misalignment
  • BugFix : Captcha reload image not working on Firefox and IE
  • BugFix : YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier compatibility issue
  • BugFix : Meta tags issues in W3 Validator
  • BugFix : MailChimp Forms incompatibility issue
  • BugFix : In the post title when you enter a #, the text in twitter window stops at the #
  • BugFix : Twitter post type problem in responsive state
  • BugFix : Ornamental title with image broken
  • BugFix : Extra texts in Photo Album – hover options
  • BugFix : Subscribe text are not translatable
  • BugFix : Flip box issue in RTL
  • BugFix : Vertical header bug in firefox
  • BugFix : Custom Main Navigation Location not working
  • BugFix : Some dependency scripts load even though its not used in the page
  • BugFix : Media.css invalid css issues
  • BugFix : Social Share Icons break in Clear and Bold Single Post when Full Width Row is Added
  • BugFix : Portfolio Category Page Title in archive page not showing
  • BugFix : Page Title is not showing in BuddyPress pages
  • BugFix : Footer full width with header #4
  • BugFix : Shop columns not changing from theme options
  • BugFix : Images missing in Safari if names includes non-english characters
  • BugFix : PHPQuery issues
  • BugFix : Pinterest share doesn’t show the feature image of blog post
  • BugFix : Header tooltip search form focus broken
  • BugFix : IE not respecting top padding when using transparent header
  • BugFix : An empty space between author name and date missing
  • BugFix : Line break issue with blog set to thumbnail
  • BugFix : Client shortcode 6 columns broken in IE 11
  • BugFix : and 40+ More minor bugs & glitches fixes

V5.1.7.8 August

  • New Feature : ADD LinkedIn page
  • New Feature : ADD LinkedIn page icon to header toolbar
  • Update : Some words and sentence translate


  • Update : WooCommerce to version 2.6.4
  • Update : NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster to version 3.6.6.

V5.1.7.5 July

  • New Feature : Create a Facebook page /АйТи-Мануфактура-1566093717020392/
  • New Feature : Register new APP in facebook for autoposting
  • New Feature : ADD NextScripts new Facebook accaunt for autoposting
V5.1.7.4 July
  • New Feature : ADD menu section NEWS
  • New Feature : ADD footer section resent POST
  • New Feature : ADD auto-poster plugin
  • New Feature : ADD to auto-poster Twitter accaunt
  • BugFix : ADD russian translate some words in some section


  • Update : ADD to shop stock of Merlion HPE products
  • Update : ADD images to products by category


  • Update : Full Intagration it-manufacture company profile to main slider
  • Update : Remove animations from titles on all pages
  • Update : Full correction according to the recommendations Andrey Popov
  • BugFix : IE and Edge Browser issues with SVG icon widths and arrange
  • Improvement : WooCommerce V2.6.1 compatibility improvements in account pages
  • Improvement : Header cart icon will be shown in checkout & cart pages
  • New Feature : Visual Composer V4.12
  • New Feature : Row Shortcode > Disable element option
  • New Feature : Icon Box 2 shortcode link target option
  • Improvement : WooCommerce V2.6 compatibility
  • Improvement : Theme Options escaped attributes
  • BugFix : IE and Edge Browser issues with SVG icon widths
  • BugFix : Mobile Menu sub level link does not work if it has sub level items
  • BugFix : Auto-suggester options in shortcodes not updating (Update Visual Composer to V4.12)
  • BugFix : Gallery shrotcode load more button
  • BugFix : Blockquote shortcode icon is missing
  • BugFix : Few other minor bug fixes
  • BugFix : SVG icons not loading in some servers
  • BugFix : Header toolbar social icons vertical align

Update Note : If you have disabled dynamic assets via “Disable Dynamic Assets” option, After updating to this version, navigate to Theme Option > Advanced > Manage Theme and disable “Intelligent Components Technology” option.

  • New Feature : Defer styles and scripts option to get higher rank in google page speed. View Option.
  • Improvement : Better compatibility with W3 Total & Super Cache plugins
  • Improvement : Speed Improvements
  • Improvement : Theme package size reduced 3.9MB (previously 5.5MB)
  • Improvement : SVG icons delay resolved by injecting the SVG icons via php in backend rather than Javascript injection
  • Improvement : Option to disable theme internal caching if your server faces with problems.View Option.
  • BugFix : Various bug fixes
  • BugFix : Issue that causes error in Windows Server Hostings.
  • BugFix : Issue with Select2 jQuery plugin that causes WooCommerce product edit page face with Javascript error.
  • BugFix : Adaptive Background Images(such as in page sections) images gets scaled up when the image is smaller that the given size.

Jupiter V5.1 is the next destination on a continuing roadmap we sketched out months ago that contains all of the milestones we’ve elaborated on in this article in order to deliver the lightest and fastest WP theme. This version has brought Jupiter even closer to the ideal we strive to reach every day. Here we’ll take you step by step through each improved feature. Check Announcement here.

  • New Feature : Adaptive images technology. Now all images in theme will be relative to the screen size and pixel density. Mobile friendly and fully retina retina images without compromising performance.
  • New Feature : Converted Font Icons to SVG icons. It will reduce 700KB of requested data from server. only used icons will be called from server as SVG content.
  • New Feature : Select specific posts/author/categories in shortcode options changed to auto-suggester. Now you can type to get the list of posts from DB. It has speed improvement on loading shortcodes
  • New Feature : Advanced Google Map shortcode > Add unlimited markers to map is now possible.
  • New Feature : Added Woocommerce CART box icon for mobile devices
  • New Feature : Portfolio sortable > you can now choose between static and ajax mode.
  • New Feature : Visual Composer and Captcha plugin moved to external link to reduce theme size for easy updates (%60 less zip file size)
  • New Feature : Custom sidebars for custom post types. You can now define them from Theme Options > General > Custom Sidebars.
  • New Feature : Multiple images for different screens & device. You need to provide portrait and landscape images and we will crop the sizes accordingly (applies to page section, page title, edge slideshow, edge one pager)
  • New Feature : Theme auto update feature
  • New Feature : Woocommerce v2.6 compatibility
  • New Feature : Revolution Slider update to V5.2.5.1
  • New Feature : Option to turn on/off sound for social videos in page section shortcode
  • New Feature : Visual Composer support for legacy Jupiter 4.4.5
  • New Feature : Unify theme options in all languages (WPML and Polylang) are now possible via child theme functions.php
  • Improvement : add hook action to the bbpress forum index page
  • Improvement : Edge slideshow shortcode > finish the video and then go to next slide capability
  • BugFix : Header Shortcode RTL compatibility issues
  • BugFix : Previous & next posts from same category in portfolio posts is broken
  • BugFix : Facebook share in single post with portfolio format broken
  • BugFix : Mass import Blog Sidebar Problem
  • BugFix : Disabling single portfolio featured image when there’s no attachment
  • BugFix : Goodlayers LMS and Jupiter incompatibility
  • BugFix : Flip boxes create empty spaces on the right side
  • BugFix : Portfolio item hover skin is broken
  • BugFix : Icon Box 2 – left align issue
  • BugFix : Scrolling issue in links with ID (hash)
  • BugFix : Product Loop – When clicking close icon in view product, it jumps top of the page
  • BugFix : Multi level submenu is not working in touch devices
  • Removed : Skype shortcode removed, please use button shortcode to get the same design.
  • BugFix : Over 30 other minor bugs and glitches

This update contains some third party plugin updates.

  • Update : Visual Composer updated to most recent version to address some WP4.5 compatibility issues.
  • Update : LayerSlider updated to v5.6.5
  • Update : Revolution Slider updated to v5.2.4.1
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